4 Perfect Times
to Visit Salzburg



July 21, 2023

Salzburg, a beloved tourist destination, holds a special place in the hearts of visitors worldwide. This enchanting city in Austria is renowned for its timeless beauty, cultural heritage, and captivating atmosphere. 

Whether exploring historic landmarks, wandering through the charming streets, or attending world-class music events, Salzburg offers something for everyone. However, the best time to visit is crucial to maximize the experience. The weather, seasonal attractions, and tourist crowds vary throughout the year. 

“In Salzburg, nature’s grandeur meets human craftsmanship, creating a masterpiece for the soul.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

In this article, I will guide you on selecting the best time to visit Salzburg based on weather, tourist seasons, and noteworthy events. By understanding these considerations, travelers can plan their visit effectively and maximize their time in Salzburg.

“Salzburg’s charm lies in its ability to transport you to a world where beauty and history intertwine effortlessly.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

1. Spring (March to May)  

The Enchanting Beauty of Spring

The weather during spring in Salzburg is mild, with temperatures ranging from 5°C to 15°C. The weather can be changeable, with a mix of sunny, cloudy, and rainy days.

Highlights and activities during spring include visiting the city’s parks and gardens that come to life with blooming flowers and green foliage. You can take a stroll through Mirabell Gardens or visit Hellbrunn Palace. It’s also a great time for scenic bike rides or leisurely walks in the park.

Festivals and events in spring include the Easter Weekend in April, which marks the start of the event and tourist season in Salzburg.

2. Summer (June to August)  

Summer's Majestic Beauty Unveiled

Salzburg’s summer weather is warm and sunny, with average daily temperatures ranging from the high 20°C to 25°C. However, temperatures can sometimes reach as high as 35°C during July and August.

The advantages of visiting during summer include enjoying outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and river rafting. There are also concerts, festivals, and cultural events taking place during this season. The city is bustling with tourists and has a lively atmosphere. However, it can be crowded and more expensive.

One of the most popular summer events in Salzburg is the Salzburg Festival, which starts in the middle of July and offers a variety of music and cultural performances.

3. Autumn (September to November)

Enchanting Autumn A Tapestry of Colors

Salzburg’s temperatures cool down in autumn, ranging from the high 10°C to 15°C. The weather can be wet and cloudy, so bringing rain gear and warm clothing is recommended.

Unique attractions and activities in autumn include experiencing the city’s parks and gardens ablaze with autumn colors. The surrounding hills and mountains are also blanketed in red, yellow, and orange foliage, making it a scenic time for hikes and drives. The fall weather can be pleasant during the day, but temperatures drop significantly in the evenings.

The Rupertikirtag Festival, held at the end of September, is a notable event in Salzburg that celebrates the local culture and heritage. It includes traditional songs, theme park rides, local delicacies, and shopping for souvenirs and handicrafts.

4. Winter (December to February)

“Winter is not a season, it’s a celebration.” – Anamika Mishra

Winter Wonderland A Serene Blanket of Snow

Winter in Salzburg is cold and dry, with average daily temperatures ranging from the low 30s to low 40s °F (-5 to 5°C). Snow and ice are common during this season.

Winter-specific attractions and activities include enjoying indoor attractions like museums, galleries, and historical sites. The city is transformed into a winter wonderland during December, with twinkling lights, festive markets, and holiday cheer. Smaller mountains like Kapuzinerberg and Mönchsberg are still likable, and biking is possible on most days except for extremely cold and icy ones.

December is all about Christmas markets in Salzburg, offering a magical atmosphere with horse-drawn carriage rides, snow-covered streets, and traditional holiday festivities.

Overall, the best time to visit Salzburg depends on personal preferences. The shoulder seasons of spring (April-May) and autumn (September-October) offer a balance between good weather and fewer crowds. However, each season has its unique charm and attractions to offer.

Showcasing the monthly weather in Salzburg

“Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.” – John Ruskin

Month Average Temperature (°C) Average High (°C) Average Low (°C) Rainfall (mm) Sunshine Hours
January -1.5 2.3 -4.3 40 2.5
February 0.1 4.1 -3.9 33 3.5
March 3.6 8.0 -1.1 40 4.5
April 7.8 12.2 3.0 55 5.5
May 13.0 18.0 7.6 79 7.0
June 16.0 21.2 10.8 100 7.2
July 18.0 23.0 12.9 100 7.0
August 17.4 22.6 12.2 86 6.0
September 13.5 18.2 9.0 65 5.0
October 8.7 12.8 4.3 52 4.0
November 3.5 6.7 0.9 47 2.5
December -0.4 2.8 -3.5 47 2.0

Note: These are average values and actual weather conditions can vary.

When is the best time to visit Salzburg on a budget and avoid crowds?

The best time to visit Salzburg on a budget is during the shoulder season of spring or fall, particularly in November or between the middle of January and the end of March. Accommodation prices are significantly lower during these times, although warm weather may not be guaranteed. 

Visiting during these periods provides a more authentic travel experience and the opportunity to experience snow. Additionally, traveling mid-week instead of over the weekend and opting for budget-friendly dining options can further save money.

To avoid crowds, visiting Salzburg during the shoulder season of spring and fall is recommended, as there are fewer tourists compared to the peak season. Visiting during the first or last week of festivals and events can also help avoid large crowds while enjoying local festivities. Planning strategically allows travelers to enjoy a budget-friendly and crowd-free visit to Salzburg.

Advice for Choosing a Cheap Stay in Salzburg  

Finding affordable stays in Salzburg can be challenging, especially during the peak season when prices tend to be higher. Here are some tips to help you find affordable accommodation:

Book in advance

Start your accommodation search to take advantage of early bird discounts and availability. Many hotels and guesthouses offer discounted rates for early bookings.

Consider staying outside the city center

Accommodation prices tend to be higher in the city center. Look for options in the surrounding neighborhoods or nearby towns that offer more affordable rates.

Look for budget accommodations

Salzburg has a range of budget accommodations, such as hostels, guesthouses, and budget hotels. These options can be more affordable than luxury hotels and still provide a comfortable stay.

Check for deals and discounts

Look for special deals and discounts offered by hotels and online booking platforms. Sign up for newsletters or follow the social media accounts of hotels and travel websites to stay updated on the latest offers.

Consider alternative accommodations

In addition to hotels, consider alternative accommodation options such as vacation rentals, homestays, or serviced apartments. These can sometimes offer better value for money, especially if you’re traveling with a group or planning an extended stay.

Be flexible with your travel dates

Prices can vary significantly depending on the time of year and day of the week. Consider traveling during the off-peak season or on weekdays when prices are generally lower.

Utilize price comparison websites

Use online travel agencies and hotel comparison websites to compare prices and find the best deals. These platforms allow you to compare prices, read reviews, and make reservations easily.

Consider staying in a hostel

Hostels can be a great option if you’re open to a more communal and budget-friendly experience. Salzburg has several hostels that offer affordable dormitory-style or private room accommodations.

Check for package deals

Some travel agencies or online platforms offer package deals that include accommodation, transportation, and activities. These packages sometimes offer cost savings compared to booking each component separately.

Be open to alternative locations

If you cannot find affordable accommodation in Salzburg, consider staying in nearby towns or cities and taking day trips to explore Salzburg. This can provide a more budget-friendly option while allowing you to experience the city.

Using these tips and being proactive in your search can increase your chances of finding affordable accommodation in Salzburg and make your trip more budget-friendly.

Factors to Consider When Planning a Visit to Salzburg

Weather and Climate  

Four Seasons in Salzburg

  • Spring: Spring in Salzburg usually starts in late March or early April and lasts until late May. The temperatures are mild, ranging on average from 5°C to 15°C. The weather is often changeable, with a mix of sunny, cloudy, and rainy days.
  • Summer: Summer in Salzburg is from June to August, with average daily temperatures ranging from 20°C to 25°C. It is the warmest time of year and the peak tourist season. The city is bustling with visitors, and outdoor activities are popular.
  • Autumn: Fall in Salzburg starts in September and lasts until November. Temperatures cool down and range from the high 10°C to 15°C. The weather is often wet and cloudy this season, but the city’s parks and gardens are ablaze with autumn colors.
  • Winter: Winter in Salzburg is from December to February. Average daily temperatures range from the low 30s to the low 40s °F (-5 to 5°C). It is the coldest and driest time of year, with snow and ice on the ground. Indoor attractions and Christmas markets are popular during this season.

Average Temperatures, Rainfall, and Weather Patterns

  • Spring: Average temperatures range from 5°C to 15°C. Weather is changeable, with sunny, cloudy, and rainy days.
  • Summer: Average daily temperatures range from the high 20°C to 25°C. It can get hot, especially in July and August. It is the peak tourist season with long daylight hours.
  • Autumn: Average temperatures range from the high 10°C to 15°C. The weather is often wet and cloudy, with temperatures dropping in the evenings.
  • Winter: Average daily temperatures range from the low 30s to the low 40s °F (-5 to 5°C). It is the coldest time of year with snow and ice. Indoor attractions and Christmas markets are popular.

Impact of Weather on Outdoor Activities and Sightseeing

  • Spring: The weather can be changeable, so bringing a range of clothing is recommended. Parks and gardens are in bloom, making visiting a beautiful time.
  • Summer: Outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and river rafting are popular during summer. However, it is the most crowded and expensive time to visit.
  • Autumn: The fall weather is wet and cloudy, so rain gear and warm clothing are recommended. The city’s parks and gardens display vibrant autumn colors.
  • Winter: Some outdoor activities may be limited due to the cold and snow, but indoor attractions like museums and galleries are popular. Christmas markets create a festive atmosphere.

Overall, the weather in Salzburg can vary greatly depending on the season. Considering the temperatures, rainfall, and weather patterns when planning outdoor activities and sightseeing is important. Spring and autumn shoulder seasons offer a balance between favorable weather and fewer crowds.

Tourist Seasons

High tourist season in Salzburg 

The months with the highest number of visitors are typically May to September, with June to August being the peak period. The reasons for the popularity during this period include: 

  • Mild and comfortable temperatures.
  • Longer daylight hours provide more time for outdoor activities and sightseeing.
  • Many popular festivals and events take place during this period, such as the Salzburger Festspiele in July and August, attracting many visitors.
  • School holidays in various countries coincide with these months, leading to increased travel.

Low tourist season in Salzburg  

The months with fewer tourists are typical during the shoulder seasons of spring and fall, specifically April and October. 

Advantages of visiting during the low tourist season:

  • The weather is still comfortable, although it may be slightly cooler than during the high season.
  • The city is less crowded, allowing for a more relaxed and intimate experience of Salzburg’s attractions.
  • Accommodation and activity prices are generally lower.
  • It’s easier to find available reservations for popular attractions and restaurants.
  • The overall atmosphere is quieter, allowing visitors to appreciate the city’s charm and beauty in a more peaceful setting.

Disadvantages of visiting during the low tourist season:

  • Some attractions and activities may have limited operating hours or be closed during certain periods.
  • The city may feel quieter, with fewer events and festivals than in the high season.
  • The weather can be more unpredictable, with the possibility of rain or colder temperatures.

Overall, the best time to visit Salzburg depends on personal preferences. The high tourist season from May to September is recommended if you prefer mild weather, longer days, and a vibrant atmosphere with festivals. However, if you prefer fewer crowds, lower prices, and a more tranquil experience, the low tourist season in spring (April) or fall (October) can be a great option.


“Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” 

Anthony J. D’Angelo

The best time to visit Salzburg depends on personal preferences. The high tourist season from May to September offers mild weather, longer daylight hours, and vibrant festivals, while the shoulder seasons of spring (April-May) and fall (September-October) balance favorable weather and fewer crowds. 

For budget travelers looking to avoid crowds, visiting Salzburg during the shoulder seasons of spring or fall, particularly in November or between mid-January and the end of March, is recommended. Accommodation prices are generally lower during these periods, although warm weather may not be guaranteed. 

Additionally, traveling mid-week and opting for budget-friendly dining options can help save money. Planning strategically and considering these factors allows visitors to enjoy a cost-effective and crowd-free experience in Salzburg.


How many days should I spend in Salzburg?

Spending at least three days in Salzburg is recommended to enjoy and explore the city fully. If you plan on taking day trips to nearby areas, consider extending your stay by a few more days.

Which month is the best time to visit Austria?

May to September, the tourist season, offers great weather, snow-free trails, long daylight hours, and a lively schedule of activities, making it the ideal time to explore Austria’s beauty.

Is Salzburg a safe city for solo female travelers?

Salzburg is generally safe for solo female travelers. Use common sense, stay aware of your surroundings, and rely on the helpful locals ready to assist if needed.

When is the coldest month in Austria?

January brings the chilliest temperatures, with snow covering the valleys from December to March and higher elevations from November to May. However, February marks the beginning of a gradual rise in temperatures, signaling the onset of milder weather.

Is Austria an affordable country to visit?

Austria can be affordable to visit if you plan your budget carefully. You can keep your expenses in check by staying in hostels, cooking some of your meals, choosing accommodations outside the city center, avoiding expensive entrance fees, and using public transportation.


All Things Austria is a website founded by Adrian Riegler, an avid traveler and writer who fell in love with Austria during his first visit. Adrian wanted to share his passion and knowledge about this beautiful country with the world, and to help other travelers discover the amazing destinations that Austria has to offer.


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